Lymm Sanctuary Hub (LSH) relies heavily on volunteer support. Our volunteers are at the heart of everything we do at the Hub and we couldn’t run our community project groups and activities without them.
Lymm Sanctuary Hub and its community projects are almost 100% volunteer-run.
What does volunteering involve?
A volunteer is any person who freely chooses to carry out a task or role that we have specifically agreed for them to do and for which they do not receive any financial or material reward. A volunteer is not an employee. Volunteering is flexible in terms of what time you are happy to give / responsibilities you are happy to take on.
Volunteering can take many forms, from making teas and handing out cakes at the various café groups, to chatting to people in their own homes, to taking on a leadership role and coordinating the project itself (with the support of the Community Projects Team).
Our volunteers get involved in lots of different ways. You might:
- help our Memory Café supporting families dealing with dementia;
- offer a safe place to share information and a cup of tea for parents and carers of children with SEND (special educational needs and disabilities);
- help to tackle digital isolation by providing IT support in our Digital Café;
- sing along with people living with dementia, or
- provide a befriending service for members of our community who can’t get out as easily as they would like to.
A lot depends on people’s own interests and level of skill, and how much time they are interested in giving.

Why volunteer with us
Volunteering doesn’t just provide us with a loyal army of helpers –
it also provides a means for individuals to be engaged with their local neighbourhood, to help to build a stronger and more resilient community.
Volunteering has many benefits:
- it is a chance to do your bit for society;
- an opportunity to meet new and like-minded friends;
- a chance to use your skills and experience for a greater good; and
- a route to further educationand inspiration.
We also aim to hold a number of volunteer social events throughout the year, across the work of Lymm Sanctuary Hub, to celebrate and reward the work of our dedicated volunteers.
Find out more about our current projects by clicking on an image below or view the Whats On page for current groups.
Join our team
Do you share our vision of improving life for our local community?
If you can spare a couple of hours a week to support any of our projects, you will be warmly welcomed. This is your chance to make a real contribution to the health and wellbeing of the Lymm community. We ask for a minimum commitment of 6 months, if possible, to provide continuity for our projects.
Please complete the enquiry form below or email volunteer@lymmsanctuaryhub.co.uk for details.